lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


The first literary works were written by immigrants, explorers and adventurers arrived in the era of gold rushes (1850)
The characteristics of Australian literature are different from the literatures of Canada and South Africa, firstly because there is no duality of colonial languages​​, which promotes literary uniformity, and secondly, because the geographical remotenessand spiritual metropolis, while promoting national trends, causes a delay in receivingnew stylistic trends.
Poetry played an important role in the founding of Australian literature. Henry Lawson, the son of a Norwegian sailor, is one of the poets and fiction writers of the best known Australian colonial period and is often called the "greatest writer" of Australia. Lawson was widely recognized as the most popular poet of Australia and in 1922, became the first Australian writer to be honored with a state funeral. In 1966, the image of Henry Lawson illustrated the first ten dollar bill australianos.
The first poets Adam Lindsay Gordon are known (1833-1870), born in the Azores and who committed suicide, Charles Harpur (1813-1868) and the romantic and native Henry C. Kendall (1839-1882).
By 1880, national sentiment is accentuated, in part due to the existence of a class,prosperous middle. In the same year appears on the Sydney Bulletin, a weekly that encouraged a romantic Australian and welcomed the crooners who collect the anonymous Bush-inspired compositions.
The first Australian novel, Quintus Servinton: A Tale founded upon Incidents of Real Occurrence was written and published in Tasmania in 1831. Its author was convicted forger Henry Savery English and published anonymously, although his authorship became an open secret. This work is seen as a disguised autobiography designed to demonstrate how his fictional equivalent population was different from the general conviction.

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